TribeMOSAIC A Journey Forward – Aistear 2024 – 23rd January


cost per service

45 in stock

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This is CPD and Support session for members of TribeMOSAIC specifically in relation to Aistear 2024. An overview of changes to the Aistear curriculum framework will be covered during the session as well as strategies to utilise new Aistear content using your MOSAIC Child Documentation System.
Also, the choice to record learning story content using voice recording rather than typing will also be demonstrated. In addition, we will show you how to use snippets of different languages in your learning stories to connect with parents using English as a second language.
Who for: Members of TribeMOSAIC only
When: Thursday 23rd January – 6.30pm-8pm
Cost: €20 per TribeMOSAIC Service (all staff can be included in one fee)