MOSAIC Educator Demo – Online Wednesday 20th November 6.30pm


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MOSAIC- The App for Professional Educators
MOSAIC Educator is an innovative child documentation system designed for early childhood services using the Aistear curriculum framework. MOSAIC is designed as an electronic storybook that captures and documents the magic of a child’s early learning and care.
Through the interconnecting ‘MOSAIC Family’ App, the early childhood service and nominated family members can access regular updates in the form of photographs, videos, learning stories and reports. For children under 3, daily care records are also communicated directly to a parent’s phone or tablet in real time.

– For childcare providers, time consuming paper-based recording systems are uncompliant
and a burden on time and resources
– For parents who need secure, real-time updates and communication when young children
are away from home
– For external compliance organisations where quality standards require that recording
systems are inclusive, individual to the child, and accessible to parents.

MOSAIC is an educator tool that supports quality pedagogical practice

MOSAIC has been developed specifically for the early childhood sector by Avril McMonagle, CEO and founder of MOSAIC Digital Solutions, who has almost 30 years’ experience of multiple aspects of early childhood education.

MOSAIC is framed around a strength based, child-led pedagogical approach that sees the child as a unique individual. The Learning Story Approach to early childhood assessment for learning is used to frame Aistear’s themes, aims, goals and dispositions. The uniquely designed functions in MOSAIC will allow the Educator to compile a beautiful electronic storybook for each child. Learning stories are easily linked to our emergent curriculum planning templates for different age groups based on children’s interests and needs.

Each child’s e-storybook is personal to them with a personal photo and video gallery. It is designed to contain the necessary daily records including attendance, personal care, and sleep checks. The child’s interests, strengths and learning are presented through engaging learning updates, videos and pictures. Each learning story template is pre-loaded with the appropriate curriculum learning goals, positive learning dispositions and a plan for learning.

The app also contains messaging functions, personal information storage for each child and a group news function.

This is your chance to see the app working in a live demonstration – just let us know when would suit you best