April 17, 2024 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81586434310?pwd=YWhwYks3TUhBand5WFc0cjZLUmNyUT09 Meeting ID: 815 8643 4310 Passcode: planning

Planning a Programme of Activities for School Age Childcare
Do you want to adopt a simple format for weekly activity plans for School Age Childcare activities that meets the National Quality Guidelines for SAC?

What is included?

Planning for SAC activities is distinct from planning for pre-school provision. This short programme highlights the importance of having a well-rounded programme of activities and demonstrates how to plot these on a weekly plan especially designed for school age provision.

*Sample plans, blank planning template, guideline and certificate of participation included for
each participant.


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Meeting ID: 815 8643 4310
Passcode: planning



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