Meantóir is delighted to announce that our new e-CPD Platform is launched and the first 2 programmes are ready for download! During the previous weeks, we have been working hard to develop a new online e-CPD platform especially designed to meet the needs of early childhood services providers and their staff. All e-CPD programmes will follow Meantóir’s tried and tested format – jargon free, highly practical with transferable learning to your daily practice.
‘Enabling Transitions’ and Strength-based Writing’ are the first 2 Meantóir courses on offer. We chose these two programmes to release first as they are very timely topics just now. Educators are currently preparing Transition Reports for children going to school later in the year and communication with primary schools will be taking place over the summer months. Both programmes will support educators to write professional transition reports, and can be accessed separately depending on the level of information required.
This is a new departure for Meantóir and phase 1 will see us upload all our existing CPD programmes to the platform over the coming weeks. Phase 2 will be developing new programmes in response to the needs of early childhood services and their staff and feedback from users.
We will also use the e-platform for MOSAIC Educator supports going forward so that tutorials are freely available for new MOSAIC subscribers this year.
This is another big leap of faith for our little business and we hope you will support our latest efforts when you can. It is always truly terrifying launching any new product or departure to the market and your feedback and reviews will be greatly appreciated!