Children have many different strengths. Some are obvious, some are not so obvious. Too much reliance is related to children’s academic strengths. Mainly because they are visible, easily measured and quantified.

Some children’s strengths can be easily missed and some are just harder to notice. It is an essential educator skill to be able to recognise children’s unique strengths – especially for children who are struggling in a particular area.

Use this list to ensure you are aware of what different strengths could look like. Think of the children in your room and identify at least 2 strengths for each child that you can use to inform your emergent learning opportunities.

• Character strengths • Social strengths • Creative strengths • Physical strengths

Character strengths…

• Caring and kind
• Empathetic
• Resilient
• Thoughtful
• Independent
• Cooperative
• Curious
• Has a sense of humour.

Social strengths…

• Shares, takes turns
• Listens and take turns in conversation
• Sensitive to others needs
• Can regulate behaviour
• Can ask for help when needed
• Can be redirected from a negative situation to a positive one
• Takes responsibility for own actions
• Accepts difference in others.

Creative strengths…

• Can express thoughts and feelings through music, scribbling, drawing, writing and painting etc.
• Sings, dances or plays in role
• Entertains others by telling jokes and stories
• Likes learning words to songs, poems and rhymes
• Can find unique solutions for problems.

Physical strengths…

• Learns through movement and doing
• Agile
• Active
• Likes adventure and challenge
• Spatially aware
• Competent small and gross motor skills
• Has mastery over a range of physical skills and tasks.

Want to build a unique storybook of achievements for children that is different for every child and celebrates unique strengths and interests? Then check out MOSAIC by Meantóir- an innovative LEARNING STORY APP designed for early childhood services using the Aistear curriculum framework. See for more.